Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Efficient Digital Transformation of Vero Cell Passage Experiments: See How an Academician's Lab Does It!

Hey lab gurus! We all know that properly maintaining Vero cells is crucial for vaccine production and various cell-based experiments. But are you tired of the tedious manual pipetting? Don't worry, check out how the COEVOS intelligent pipetting system helps an academician's lab at the Institute of Microbiology, CAS, achieve a digital transformation, making experiments more elegant and efficient.

Precise Ratios, Mix Without Errors:
Never fear messing up the MEM, fetal bovine serum, and sodium bicarbonate mix ratios again. COEVOS lets the experimenter handle it all with one click. Volume switching is as smooth as silk, and experiments are no longer a chaotic mess!

Quick and Efficient Cell Digestion:
Say goodbye to the "tendonitis killer"! With COEVOS's equal-volume dispensing and mixing function, the digestion process becomes smooth and effortless. Filling a 96-well plate is as easy as gaming!

Voice Control, Hands-Free:
Still manually adjusting volumes tirelessly? That's outdated! COEVOS supports voice commands for human-machine interaction. Just chat with the pipette, and your experiment is done! No more feeling dizzy from endless experiments!

Real-Time Recording, Data Ready:
"Experiment data is recorded in real-time, available anytime, making it easy to correct mistakes and catch surprises. Professors no longer need to worry about me losing experiment records!"

"More Elegant Experiments, More Satisfying Results"
"All operations are directly edited into the pipetting plan. Every time I do a Vero cell passage experiment, I just open the plan, and the subsequent steps flow as smoothly as a gentle breeze. Cell maintenance becomes efficient and easy, no longer a major headache. Professors no longer have to worry about me killing the cells!"
"Quick volume settings simplify everything. It's so user-friendly! No more hassle of repeatedly adjusting volumes!"
"Using voice to adjust volumes is fun and easy, and experiments are much faster!" "The real-time recording function automatically logs every step and data, making it easy to review and eliminating the need for handwritten records!"

COEVOS Helps You Create a "Future Lab" If an academician's lab at the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, is using this magic tool, what are you waiting for? Let the COEVOS intelligent pipetting system inject the latest technological power into your research and escort your journey toward a digitally advanced scientific future!
